- Create Marketing Materials: Your CYBERTARY types, designs and prints brochures, business cards and other marketing materials and may use client-provided art from standard or customized files.
- Generate Price List: Your CYBERTARY designs, types and prepares flyers such as price lists.
- Compile Product List: Your CYBERTARY types, designs and prepares product lists and other flyers on a variety of paper stock.
- Prepare Schedules: Your CYBERTARY types, designs and prepares schedules or calendars.
- Produce Award Certificates: Working from your emailed, faxed or mailed list of recipients, your CYBERTARY designs and prints award certificates and may use pre-designed paper stock, seals and/or ribbons. The completed certificates are delivered to you upon completion or are mailed directly to each recipient.
- Publish Newsletters: Working with your emailed, faxed or mailed content and list of recipients, your CYBERTARY types, designs and prints your newsletter, prepares address labels and mails (or emails) the newsletter.
- Create Logo Materials: Your CYBERTARY designs and print labels, letterhead and other logo materials, using client-provided art.
- Establish Client Welcome Kits: Your CYBERTARY creates client welcome kits and coordinates mailing them to new clients for a warm and friendly welcome.
- Design Forms: Your CYBERTARY designs forms for internal use or for clients/customers.
- Make Information Materials: Your CYBERTARY creates all your necessary information materials, including CDs, reports and manuals.
- Scan Materials: Your CYBERTARY takes on your scanning project and delivers you the digital files by email or on a mailed CD.
- Transcribe Recordings: Working from your mailed cassettes, your CYBERTARY types the report and returns the finished transcript to you via email attachment.
- Transcribe from Dictation: Working from mailed cassettes with your dictation, your CYBERTARY transcribes the tape, prints the letters or memos on your company stationery and mails or emails them within your timeline.
- Conduct Recordings: Your CYBERTARY records your telephone call, conference, teleclass or other audio event and transcribes the tape for the participants.