Cyber Quick Tip: Nozbe

This task-management system provides a simple user interface and is extremely intuitive. Nozbe lets small-business owners keep track of what they’ve delegated and what they’ve assigned to themselves. It’s available on both Android and iOS devices, and you can e-mail it tasks to add. The app also integrates with Evernote and Dropbox. Use Nozbe on any platform. With anyone you want. Always in sync.

All the modern browsers like Internet Explorer 8 and 9, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera are supported and the app is available on most smartphone devices.

Nozbe’s native apps work offline without an Internet connection thanks to the power of HTML5. Keep getting things done even when there’s no Internet connection.

Their native applications for Mac and Windows have been specially designed to shine on these platforms. Manage your projects offline and drag and drop files to upload them to cloud.

Specially tailored mobile apps for the iPhone, iPad and Android (Blackberry and Windows phone coming soon!) help you take your tasks and projects with you. In your pocket.

Check it out at:
